Real email has MIME attachments that are HTML

January 21, 2021

One of the things that MIME parts in email have (or can have) is a content disposition, which theoretically tells your mail client whether the MIME part should be displayed as part of the message (a content disposition of inline) or it should be not displayed by the client and you'd be offered the option to save it, view it with something, and so on (a content disposition of attachment).

(HTTP reuses this idea in the Content-Disposition header, which tells the browser if it should try to display the response or jump straight to forcing you to download it or hand it to some external program.)

In most email, HTML MIME parts have an inline content disposition, because this is how the sender (or their mail software) arranges for them to be visible to the receiver. This is true both for a message that is HTML only or for a 'multipart/alternative' message with (theoretically) equivalent plain text and HTML versions.

For a long time, I've known that our commercial anti-spam filter was counting some varieties of phish spam as 'viruses'. When we first started logging MIME part type information, I discovered that a lot of these rejections for for HTML MIME parts that had an 'attachment' content disposition. This led me to assume that essentially all legitimate real mail with HTML MIME parts had them with an inline content disposition, and only suspicious and probably bad email had 'attachment' HTML MIME parts.

Recently I had reasons to specifically look at our MIME part type logs for email that we can be reasonably confident is good, and I got a surprise. We definitely see legitimate email with HTML MIME parts that have a content disposition of 'attachment'. Apparently this is even the standard and normal behavior of some email clients in some situations, especially when forwarding email.

Beyond the specific fixing of my ignorance and assumption here, in general this has been a useful reminder to me that I don't actually know as much about modern email as I usually think I do. Before I confidently assume something like 'HTML MIME parts that are attachments are suspicious', I should at least go check our logs to see what they say. After all, that's the largest reason we collect this information; we realized that we didn't actually know what sorts of MIME parts our users received and we should.

Written on 21 January 2021.
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