Some people feel that all permanent SMTP failures are actually temporary

July 14, 2017

It all started with a routine delivery attempt to my sinkhole SMTP server that I use as a spamtrap:

remote at 2017-07-03 13:30:28
220 This server does not deliver email.
250 Okay, I'll believe you for now
RCPT TO:<redacted@redacted>
250 Okay, I'll believe you for now
354 Send away
. <end of data>
554 Rejected with ID 433b5458d9d3e8a93020aca44406d2ec1d8ba82a
221 Goodbye

That ID is the hash of the whole message and its important envelope information (including the sending IP). So far, so normal, and these people stood out in a good way by actually QUITing instead of just dropping the connection. But then:

remote at 2017-07-03 13:37:10
220 This server does not deliver email.
554 Rejected with ID 433b5458d9d3e8a93020aca44406d2ec1d8ba82a

They re-delivered the exact same message again. And again. And again. In less than 24 hours (up to July 4th at 9:28 am) they did 21 deliveries, despite getting a permanent refusal after each DATA. At that point I got tired of logging repeated deliveries for the same message and put them in a category of earlier blocks:

remote at 2017-07-04 10:38:10
220 This server does not deliver email.
550 Bad address
RCPT TO:<redacted@redacted>
503 Out of sequence command

You can guess what happened next:

remote at 2017-07-04 11:48:36
220 This server does not deliver email.
550 Bad address
RCPT TO:<redacted@redacted>
503 Out of sequence command

They didn't stop there, of course.

remote at 2017-07-13 15:37:31
220 This server does not deliver email.
550 Bad address
RCPT TO:<redacted@redacted>
503 Out of sequence command

Out of curiosity I switched things over so that I'd capture their message again and it turns out that they're still sending, although they've now switched over to trying to deliver a different message. Apparently they do have some sort of delivery expiry, presumably based purely on the message's age and totally ignoring SMTP status codes.

(As before they're still re-delivering their new message despite the post-DATA permanent rejection; so far, it's been two more deliveries of the exact same message.)

These people are not completely ignoring SMTP status codes, because they know that they didn't deliver the message so they'll try again. Well, I suppose they could be slamming everyone with dozens or hundreds of copies of every message even when the first copy was successfully delivered, but I don't believe they'd be that bad. This may be an optimistic assumption.

(Based on what shows up on www.<domain>, they appear to be running something called 'nuevoMailer v.6.5'. The program's website claims that it's 'a self-hosted email marketing software for managing mailing lists, sending email campaigns and following up with autoresponders and triggers'. I expect that their view of 'managing mailing lists' does not include 'respecting SMTP permanent failures' and is more about, say, conveniently importing massive lists of email addresses through a nice web GUI.)

Comments on this page:

By aninternetguy at 2017-07-31 01:08:13:

Looks like these guys are using Sentora. The problem is/was probably with the way Sentora currently configures postfix on install, it sets soft_bounce=yes. See the post from stra2017 here: - spam email complaint. I don't suppose anybody really wants to get in touch with the spammers and let them know how to improve their systems?

Here's the word from Postfix themselves on soft_bounce config details: - postconf - soft_bounce

soft_bounce (default: no) Safety net to keep mail queued that would otherwise be returned to the sender. This parameter disables locally-generated bounces, changes the handling of negative responses from remote servers, content filters or plugins, and prevents the Postfix SMTP server from rejecting mail permanently by changing 5xx reply codes into 4xx. However, soft_bounce is no cure for address rewriting mistakes or mail routing mistakes.

Written on 14 July 2017.
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