The speed of updates for signatures of bad things matters (a lot)
These days (and for a long time), most spam, phish, malware, and so on (in email and other things) is recognized not through general rules, patterns, and processes (eg), but by seeing if the content matches any known signatures. Sometimes this is literally matching cryptographic hashes, but more often there's some sort of signature matching engine involved with various matching operators, conditions for combining them, and so on. ClamAV is one example that's mostly a matching engine, which means that in practice you need a collection of signatures to make it useful. Since signatures aren't general things, they have to be created by someone and then you have to get that newly created (or perhaps updated) signature.
What people have collectively found is that in practice, the speed of updating signatures matters, often a lot; in fact it matters enough that people are willing to pay for faster updates to collections of signatures. Why it matters is pretty straightforward; you're in a race against attackers. Attackers are perfectly well aware that the effectiveness of what they're doing goes down fast once signatures are available for it (or in general once people have had time to recognize what's going on, get their web landing page killed off, or whatever), so they generally try to get things done as fast as possible.
(I'm sure there are some slow-moving spam, phish, and malware campaigns that keep on going and going, but I don't think they're very common.)
However, attackers have their own speed limits; they can only send so much so fast, to you and to everyone else. Against many attackers, this gives you the chance to cut off at least some of their activities if 'you' can react fast enough, which broadly means if you can get signature updates fast enough. In more sophisticated environments, fast signature updates may also give you the chance to re-scan people's recently received email messages before people open them (or when they open them).
(Similar things apply to scanning files or recognizing signs of active malware, especially since these may already be delayed from the initial attack depending on how the attacker got to people. If you're getting people to download malware from a web page by sending them a bait message, you have to wait for people to read their email.)
So in general, the faster you get signature updates, the less you'll be exposed to (and for a shorter amount of time). The slower the updates, the more you're exposed to and the longer you're exposed. In the extreme case, sufficiently delayed updates are mostly useless, because the attacker campaign they're reacting to is over by the time you get the updates active.
(Of course you can try to delay receiving things (and thus checking them), but this tends to be unpopular with people. Like it or not, modern email is expected to get through rapidly and as a result is used for time sensitive things.)
We've seen this ourselves when we changed from a commercial anti-spam system for our email to one mostly based on free software and free signature data sources for the anti-malware, anti-virus (and anti-phish) part. Even with paying for some signature sources, the free system clearly was less effective at matching and blocking new malware, and we're fairly certain that part of this was that the commercial system's signatures updated quite frequently (and the company involved had a bunch of people working on keeping them up to date).
(I think this is something that's well known to people in the communities that use signatures, like anti-spam and (anti-)malware, but is perhaps not so obvious to people outside those communities.)
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