The irritatingly many executable formats of Windows

July 23, 2018

So I tweeted:

It's impressive how many different executable file formats Windows has.

(I care because our email system wants to reject top-level attachments that are Windows 'executables' and boy is the list getting long.)

I put 'executables' into quotes in this tweet because many of these file formats (or more exactly file types) are not binaries; instead they're text files that Windows will feed to various things that will interpret them in ways that you don't want. Typical extensions that we see as top level attachments (and reject at SMTP time) include .lnk, .js, .bat, .com, .exe, .vbs, and .vbe. Some of these are encoded binaries, while others are text.

We mostly do this checking and rejection based on MIME file extensions, partly because it's easiest. Also, for the ones that are text (and at least some of the ones that are encoded binaries), my understanding is that what makes them dangerous on a Windows machine is their file extension. A suitable text file with the extension ".txt" will be opened harmlessly in some editor, while the same file with the extension ".js" will generally be run if you try to open it.

(We do some file content sniffing to look for and reject unlabeled Windows executables, ie things which libmagic will report as type 'application/x-dosexec'. As you can see here, there are actually a lot of (sub)formats that map to this.)

We've historically added extensions one at a time as we run into them, usually when our commercial anti-spam system rejects one of them as being a virus (this time, several .pif files being rejected as 'W32/Mytob-C'). Possibly this is the wrong approach and we should find a master list somewhere to get almost all of this over with at once (perhaps starting from GMail's list of blocked file types). On the other hand, there's some benefit to passing up rejections, especially if you don't actually seem to need them. If we never see file types, well, why block them?

(I'm not completely convinced by this logic, by the way. But I'm lazy and also very aware that I could spend all my time building intricate anti-spam precautions of dubious actual benefit.)

Written on 23 July 2018.
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