Why have an MX record to yourself?

October 16, 2006

In a recent entry, Russell Coker brings up an issue:

One issue that has been the topic of some pointless discussion is whether a mail server should have an A record or an MX record.

It's harmless not to have an MX record that points to yourself, but having one can save people a DNS query in many situations.

Answers to DNS queries have three sections: answer records, authority records, and additional records. Authority records are the NS records of the authoritative nameservers (and SOA records for negative answers); additional records are A records for any NS or MX records in the rest of the answer.

So if you have a self-pointing MX, anyone who queries your authoritative nameservers will get your MX record and your A record in one query. If you don't have an MX record, they will have to make two queries; one to find out that you don't have an MX record, and the second to get your A record.

(Similar clever tricks can be pulled through NS records. For example, if you make your web server one of your nameservers, people who go to your website will probably save a DNS lookup. But there are downsides to such tricks.)

There are two flies in the ointment:

  • nameservers only return additional records that they know at the time; if a caching nameserver has discarded your A record but not your MX record, that's it.

  • some caching nameservers, including at least djbdns's dnscache, deliberately don't include authority records or additional records in their replies in order to make their replies smaller.

Written on 16 October 2006.
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