IPv6 networks do apparently get probed (and implications for address assignment)

November 15, 2024

For reasons beyond the scope of this entry, my home ISP recently changed my IPv6 assignment from a /64 to a (completely different) /56. Also for reasons beyond the scope of this entry, they left my old /64 routing to me along with my new /56, and when I noticed I left my old IPv6 address on my old /64 active, because why not. Of course I changed my DNS immediately, and at this point it's been almost two months since my old /64 appeared in DNS. Today I decided to take a look at network traffic to my old /64, because I knew there was some (which is actually another entry), and to my surprise much more appeared than I expected.

On my old /64, I used ::1/64 and ::2/64 for static IP addresses, of which the first was in DNS, and the other IPv6 addresses in it were the usual SLAAC assignments. The first thing I discovered in my tcpdump was a surprisingly large number of cloud-based IPv6 addresses that were pinging my ::1 address. Once I excluded that traffic, I was left with enough volume of port probes that I could easily see them in a casual tcpdump.

The somewhat interesting thing is that these IPv6 port probes were happening at all. Apparently there is enough out there on IPv6 that it's worth scraping IPv6 addresses from DNS and then probing potentially vulnerable ports on them to see if something responds. However, as I kept watching I discovered something else, which is that a significant number of these probes were not to my ::1 address (or to ::2). Instead they were directed to various (very) low-number addresses on my /64. Some went to the ::0 address, but I saw ones to ::3, ::5, ::7, ::a, ::b, ::c, ::f, ::15, and a (small) number of others. Sometimes a sequence of source addresses in the same /64 would probe the same port on a sequence of these addresses in my /64.

(Some of this activity is coming from things with DNS, such as various shadowserver.org hosts.)

As usual, I assume that people out there on the IPv6 Internet are doing this sort of scanning of low-numbered /64 IPv6 addresses because it works. Some number of people put additional machines on such low-numbered addresses and you can discover or probe them this way even if you can't find them in DNS.

One of the things that I take away from this is that I may not want to put servers on these low IPv6 addresses in the future. Certainly one should have firewalls and so on, even on IPv6, but even then you may want to be a little less obvious and easily found. Or at the least, only use these IPv6 addresses for things you're going to put in DNS anyway and don't mind being randomly probed.

PS: This may not be news to anyone who's actually been using IPv6 and paying attention to their traffic. I'm late to this particular party for various reasons.

Comments on this page:

One of the things that I take away from this is that I may not want to put servers on these low IPv6 addresses in the future.

Another thing that people probably do is use addresses that correspond to service ports, so :22 for a bastion/jump box, :25 for a mail server, :53/:530/:53[1-9]/:5353 for DNS, :80/:443 for a web server, :123 for NTP, :143/:993 for IMAP, etc.

Those addresses would probably be probed at a higher frequency. (One can add these as a secondary address to an interface to act as a service vIP in addition to the hosts 'primary' address.)

See also perhaps "Network Reconnaissance in IPv6 Networks":

  IPv6 offers a much larger address space than that of its IPv4
  counterpart.  An IPv6 subnet of size /64 can (in theory) accommodate
  approximately 1.844 * 10^19 hosts, thus resulting in a much lower
  host density (#hosts/#addresses) than is typical in IPv4 networks,
  where a site typically has 65,000 or fewer unique addresses.  As a
  result, it is widely assumed that it would take a tremendous effort
  to perform address-scanning attacks against IPv6 networks; therefore,
  IPv6 address-scanning attacks have been considered unfeasible.  This
  document formally obsoletes RFC 5157, which first discussed this
  assumption, by providing further analysis on how traditional address-
  scanning techniques apply to IPv6 networks and exploring some
  additional techniques that can be employed for IPv6 network
Written on 15 November 2024.
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