Please don't alert based on percentages

April 3, 2011

One of the classic mistakes made by monitoring and alerting systems is to alert based on percentages; if something registers at 90% or 95% or whatever, it raises various sorts of alerts. This is a terrible mistake.

(The people who write these monitoring systems love percentage based alerts because they're so easy to do, which in my cynical view is why lots of monitoring systems ship with them.)

The easiest way to see the problem of percentage based alerts is to consider disk space monitoring. Suppose the system alerts based on a filesystem reaching 95% full. Does this give you useful information?

Well, no. First, it doesn't tell you how much disk space is left. 95% full on a 50 GByte filesystem is very much different than 95% full on a 1.5 TByte filesystem; in fact, at 95% used the 1.5 TB filesystem has more free space than the entire 50 GByte filesystem ever had. Filesystem space is one of those cases where you usually care more about absolute numbers than about percentages.

Second, even simple space used doesn't actually tell you if you should panic. What generally matters is not that some quantity has reached an arbitrary value, what matters is whether or not you are going to run out of capacity at some point in the near future. To have some idea of that, you need to know not just the current capacity left but how fast capacity has been consumed. 50 Gbytes free at a space growth rate of 256 Mbytes a day is very different from 50 Gbytes free at a space growth rate of 10 Gbytes a day; you ignore the former (unless you have a very long lead time on getting space) but you really want to pay attention to the latter because you only have a few days left to get more space.

(Similarly you care both about the long term trend rate and any short term deviations from it because both of them can cause you problems.)

Similar issues apply to pretty much any other metric you may be monitoring. Doing useful alerts about capacity problems is just not amenable to simple percentage based solutions, because such solutions are not answering a useful question. If you want to make useful alerts, they should generally at least be based on intelligently chosen absolute numbers.

Comments on this page:

From at 2011-04-04 13:27:16:

On very big filesystems you also want to know earlier cause it's often harder to scale - or clean up (think huge databases that won't release diskspace without huge maintenance)

From at 2011-04-04 16:13:12:

I don't know if the example given is correct. I've heard that performances will drop dramatically when disk usage is above 80%. -- Joce

By cks at 2011-04-05 23:55:41:

The short answer about a performance drop is 'probably not, and it depends'. The long answer is in TenPercentFilesystemLegend.

Written on 03 April 2011.
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Last modified: Sun Apr 3 01:55:20 2011
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