Operating services versus operating an "adequate environment"

June 8, 2024

A while back I wrote about how metrics have many different uses, not all of them actionable ones, and used network bandwidth as an example of a non-actionable metric. In a comment, it was suggested that network bandwidth was sort of actionable in that if we reached capacity limits, that should cause us to add more capacity in one of several ways. My first reaction was that this was non-actionable for us because it's mostly something we're not in a position to do. My second reaction was to think about why this is so. My current and not entirely fully baked view is that it comes down to a difference between what we do and what most people are doing. To put it briefly, many people operate services, while we operate an (adequate or good enough) environment.

If you operate services and people have a bad time with them, that is a direct problem. You can probably put some sort of cost figure on the effects of that bad time, and assuming that the services are important (or the numbers large enough), you can probably get funding to fix the problem. If you are running out of bandwidth, you go out and get more bandwidth.

If you operate an environment, you're generally providing the best environment you can with the funding and support you have (and the priorities for where to direct that funding, for example to prioritize network speed over the amount of storage). If this environment is not good enough for some people's tastes, for example because they're running into bandwidth limits, your reaction is probably to shrug sadly. Those people need to talk to the powers that be, and if the powers that be want you to improve some aspect of the environment, they need to either provide more funding or reduce what features you support so that you can focus more money on less surface area.

If you're used to working in a services situation, the environment situation is probably enraging; here you are, having a bad time and no one cares enough to do anything about it. If you're used to operating an adequate environment, the services mindset feels weird. Get more network bandwidth when you run into performance limits? How, and who is going to fund it?

(Generally an environment is adequate if enough people can get enough work done. And I think that in practice there's a spectrum between these two positions, and a mix of situations within a single organization where there are some 'services' in an environment style organization and some 'this environment is good enough' things in a generally service-focused place (I suspect that these are likely to be internal things).)

Comments on this page:

By Dan at 2024-06-09 10:17:45:

Our team has followed your blog for a long time - we love it!

If someone at the university decided that you were very important, a better Internet connection might be a small thing to ask for. You'd be providing the same services/environment, but what is "actionable" has now changed significantly. So I don't think that the service vs environment distinction makes sense.

We also do HPC at a university, which means that a lot of things are not directly actionable (which server room we can use, the Internet connection, benefits we can offer employees). At least they used not to be. Now we're in a position where we're a positive financial asset (external funding!), which means that we're now seen as an investment. This clearly changes which things are worth asking for and acting on [1].

I think that your distinction perhaps comes from a feeling of "if I try to act on this, it won't happen anyway, so in practice it's not actionable", and not whether you're operating a service or an environment [2].

[1] Some things like natural disasters, nuclear war etc. are clearly out of your hands and not actionable. You can try to have a contingency plan, but it's not really valuable. You probably have other things to worry about in those scenarios.

[2] We've actually found that we can ask for quite a lot more than we thought - in general people want to help, also in the management layer.

By Walex at 2024-06-12 17:06:50:

"If someone at the university decided that you were very important [...] I think that your distinction perhaps comes from a feeling of "if I try to act on this, it won't happen anyway, so in practice it's not actionable""

I think that our blogger is describing the dichotomy from a technical point of view, but it is well known in business jargon as being about "profit-centers" ("services") to maximize or "cost-centers" ("environments") to minimize: in both cases the purpose of the environment is to provide a service, the difference is whether the service directly makes money, income for the organization or bonuses for executives.

If the service makes money directly by bringing in more revenue than costs, then funding it more (up to point) will make more money (and often bigger bonuses). The big question is "What is the return on the spending?"

Also in many businesses (including universities) when a cost-center service gets too high ratings from users that is a sign to cut its funding (in some contexts that is called "quality fading"), because usually the goal of executives as to cost-centers is to deliver an average quality service, or even more often somewhat below average, cutting and cutting until the howls of users become too loud (and sometimes beyond that). User dissatisfaction is often an executive goal for cost-centers, especially those users who are locked-in after a purchase and recurrent sales are not especially important to the current lineup of executives.

That is whether the service is accounting, computer infrastructure, healthcare, user support, trains, research and development, etc.

"Now we're in a position where we're a positive financial asset (external funding!)"

Indeed: that does not mean that your "environment" has turned into a "service", but your cost-center service has become a profit-center service or at least less of a cost-center.

By Walex at 2024-06-12 17:13:19:

"when a cost-center service gets too high ratings from users that is a sign to cut its funding (in some contexts that is called "quality fading")"

In Business And Management books that is considered one of the most important techniques and it is sometimes described as the "how much cheese can you take off the pizza topping without losing most of your customers?" question.

Written on 08 June 2024.
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