Sometimes you need to (or have to) run old binaries of programs

January 23, 2025

Something that is probably not news to system administrators who've been doing this long enough is that sometimes, you need to or have to run old binaries of programs. I don't mean that you need to run old versions of things (although since the program binaries are old, they will be old versions); I mean that you literally need to run old binaries, ones that were built years ago.

The obvious situation where this can happen is if you have commercial software and the vendor either goes out of business or stops providing updates for the software. In some situations this can result in you needing to keep extremely old systems alive simply to run this old software, and there are lots of stories about 'business critical' software in this situation.

(One possibly apocryphal local story is that the central IT people had to keep a SPARC Solaris machine running for more than a decade past its feasible end of life because it was the only environment that ran a very special printer driver that was used to print payroll checks.)

However, you can also get into this situation with open source software too. Increasingly, rebuilding complex open source software projects is not for the faint of heart and requires complex build environments. Not infrequently, these build environments are 'fragile', in the sense that in practice they depend on and require specific versions of tools, supporting language interpreters and compilers, and so on. If you're trying to (re)build them on a modern version of the OS, you may find some issues (also). You can try to get and run the version of the tools they need, but this can rapidly send you down a difficult rabbit hole.

(If you go back far enough, you can run into 32-bit versus 64-bit issues. This isn't just compilation problems, where code isn't 64-bit safe; you can also have code that produces different results when built as a 64-bit binary.)

This can create two problems. First, historically, it complicates moving between CPU architectures. For a couple of decades that's been a non-issue for most Unix environments, because x86 was so dominant, but now ARM systems are starting to become more and more available and even attractive, and they generally don't run old x86 binaries very well. Second, there are some operating systems that don't promise long term binary compatibility to older versions of themselves; they will update system ABIs, removing the old version of the ABI after a while, and require you to rebuild software to use the new ABIs if you want to run it on the current version of the OS. If you have to use old binaries you're stuck with old versions of the OS and generally no security updates.

(If you think that this is absurd and no one would possibly do that, I will point you to OpenBSD, which does it regularly to help maintain and improve the security of the system. OpenBSD is neither wrong nor right to take their approach; they're making a different set of tradeoffs than, say, Linux, because they have different priorities.)

Written on 23 January 2025.
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