The TLS certificate multi-file problem (for automatic updates)
In a recent entry on short lived TLS certificates and graceful certificate rollover in web servers, I mentioned that one issue with software automatically reloading TLS certificates was that TLS certificates are almost always stored in multiple files. Typically this is either two files (the TLS certificate's key and a 'fullchain' file with the TLS certificate and intermediate certificates together) or three files (the key, the signed certificate, and a third file with the intermediate chain). The core problem this creates is the same one you have any time information is split across multiple files, namely making 'atomic' changes to the set of files, so that software never sees an inconsistent state with some updated files and some not.
With TLS certificates, a mismatch between the key and the signed certificate will cause the server to be unable to properly prove that it controls the private key for the TLS certificate it presented. Either it will load the new key and the old certificate or the old key and the new certificate, and in both cases they won't be able to generate the correct proof (assuming the secure case where your TLS certificate software generates a new key for each TLS certificate renewal, which you want to do since you want to guard against your private key having been compromised).
The potential for a mismatch is obvious if the file with the TLS key and the file with the TLS certificate are updated separately (or a new version is written out and swapped into place separately). At this point your mind might turn to clever tricks like writing all of the new files to a new directory and somehow swapping the whole directory in at once (this is certainly where mine went). Unfortunately, even this isn't good enough because the program has to open the two (or three) files separately, and the time gap between the opens creates an opportunity for a mismatch more or less no matter what we do.
(If the low level TLS software operates by, for example, first loading and parsing the TLS certificate, then loading the private key to verify that it matches, the time window may be bigger than you expect because the parsing may take a bit of time. The minimal time window comes about if you open the two files as close to each other as possible and defer all loading and processing until after both are opened.)
The only completely sure way to get around this is to put everything in one file (and then use an appropriate way to update the file atomically). Short of that, I believe that software could try to compensate by checking that the private key and the TLS certificate match after they're automatically reloaded, and if they don't, it should reload both.
(If you control both the software that will use the TLS certificates and the renewal software, you can do other things. For example, you can always update the files in a specific order and then make the server software trigger an automatic reload only when the timestamp changes on the last file to be updated. That way you know the update is 'done' by the time you're loading anything.)