Traceroute, firewalls, and the modern Internet: a horrible realization

August 14, 2024

The venerable traceroute command sort of reports the hops your packets take to reach a host, and in the process can reveal where your packets are getting dropped or diverted. The traditional default way that traceroute works is by sending UDP packets to a series of high UDP ports with increasing IP TTLs, and seeing where each reply comes from. If the TTL runs out on the way, traceroute gets one reply; if the packet reaches the host, traceroute gets another one (assuming that nothing is listening on the particular UDP port on the host, which usually it isn't). Most versions of traceroute can also use ICMP based probes, while some of them can also use TCP based ones.

While writing my entry on using traceroute with a fixed target port, I had a horrible realization: traceroute's UDP probes mostly won't make it through firewalls. Traceroute's UDP probes are made to a series of high UDP ports (often starting at port 33434 and counting up). Most firewalls are set to block unsolicited incoming UDP traffic by default; you normally specifically configure them to pass only some UDP traffic through to limited ports (such as port 53 for DNS queries to your DNS servers). When traceroute's UDP packets, sent to effectively random high ports, arrive at such a firewall, the firewall will discard or reject them and your traceroute will go no further.

(If you're extremely confident no one will ever run something that listens on the UDP port range, you can make your firewall friendly to traceroute by allowing through UDP ports 33434 to 33498 or so. But I wouldn't want to take that risk.)

The best way around this is probably to use ICMP for traceroute (using a fixed UDP port is more variable and not always possible). Most Unix traceroute implementations support '-I' to do this.

This matters in two situations. First, if you're asking outside people to run traceroutes to your machines and send you the results, and you have a firewall; without having them use ICMP, their traceroutes will all look like they fail to reach your machines (although you may be able to tell whether or not their packets reach your firewall). Second, if you're running traceroute against some outside machine that is (probably) behind a firewall, especially if the firewall isn't directly in front of it. In that case, your traceroute will always stop at or just before the firewall.

Written on 14 August 2024.
« A note to myself about using traceroute to check for port reachability
Workarounds are often forever (unless you work to make them otherwise) »

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