In practice, abstractions hide their underlying details

August 31, 2024

Very broadly, there are two conflicting views of abstractions in computing. One camp says that abstractions simplify the underlying complexity but people still should know about what is behind the curtain, because all abstractions are leaky. The other camp says that abstractions should hide the underlying complexity entirely and do their best not to leak the details through, and that people using the abstraction should not need to know those underlying details. I don't particularly have a side, but I do have a pragmatic view, which is that many people using abstractions don't know the underlying details.

People can debate back and forth about whether people should know the underlying details and whether they are incorrect to not know them, but the well established pragmatic reality is that a lot of people writing a lot of code and building a lot of systems don't know more than a few of the details behind the abstractions that they use. For example, I believe that a lot of people in web development don't know that host and domain names can often have a dot at the end. And people who have opinions about programming probably have a favorite list of leaky abstractions that people don't know as much about as they should.

(One area a lot of programming abstractions 'leak' is around performance issues. For example, the (C)Python interpreter is often much faster if you make things local variables inside a function than if you use global variables because of things inside the abstraction it presents to you.)

That this happens should not be surprising. People have a limited amount of time and a limited amount of things that they can learn, remember, and keep track of. When presented with an abstraction, it's very attractive to not sweat the details, especially because no one can keep track of all of them. Computing is simply too complicated to see behind all of the abstractions all of the way down. Almost all of the time, your effort is better focused on learning and mastering your layer of the abstraction stack rather than trying to know 'enough' about every layer (especially when it's not clear how much is enough).

(Another reason to not dig too deeply into the details behind abstractions is that those details can change, especially if one reason the abstraction exists is to allow the details to change. We call some of these abstractions 'APIs' and discourage people investigating and using the specific details behind the current implementations.)

One corollary of this is that safety and security related abstractions need to be designed with the assumption that people using them won't know or remember all of the underlying details. If forgetting one of those details will leave people using the abstraction with security problems, the abstraction has a design flaw that will inevitably lead to a security issue sooner or later. This security issue is not the fault of the people using the abstraction, except in a mathematical security way.

Written on 31 August 2024.
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Last modified: Sat Aug 31 21:58:31 2024
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