The IPv6 address lookup problem (and brute force solution)

June 6, 2017

In Julia Evans' article Async IO on Linux: select, poll, and epoll, she mentioned in passing that she straceed a Go program making a HTTP request and noticed something odd:

Then [the Go program] makes 2 DNS queries for (why 2? I don’t know!), and uses epoll_wait to wait for replies [...]

It turns out that this is all due to IPv6 (and the DNS standards), and it (probably) happens in more than Go programs (although I haven't straced anything else to be sure). So let's start with the problem.

Suppose that you have a 'dual-stack' machine, one with both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. You need to talk to a wide variety of other hosts; some of them are available over IPv4 only, some of them are available over IPv6 only, and some of them are available over both (in which case you traditionally want to use IPv6 instead of IPv4). How do you look up their addresses using DNS?

DNS currently has no way for a client to say 'give me whatever IPv4 and IPv6 addresses a host may have'. Instead you have to ask specifically for either IPv4 addresses (with a DNS A record query) or IPv6 addresses (with a DNS AAAA record query). The straightforward way for a dual-stack machine to find the IP addresses of a remote host would be to issue an AAAA query to get any IPv6 addresses, wait for it to complete (or error out or time out), and then issue an A query for IPv4 addresses if necessary. However, there are a lot of machines that have no IPv6 addresses, so a lot of the time you'd be adding the latency of an extra DNS query to your IP address lookups. Extra latency (and slower connections) doesn't make people happy, and DNS queries are not necessarily the fastest thing in the world in the first place for various reasons.

(Plus, there are probably some DNS servers and overall DNS systems that will simply time out for IPv6 AAAA queries instead of promptly giving you a 'no' answer. Waiting for a timeout adds substantial amounts of time. Properly operated DNS systems shouldn't do this, but there are plenty of DNS systems that don't operate properly.)

To deal with this, modern clients increasingly opt to send out their A and AAAA DNS queries in parallel. This is what Go is doing here and in general (in its all-Go resolver, which is what the Go runtime tries to use), although it's hard to see it in the net package's source code until you dig quite far down. Go waits for both queries to complete, but there are probably some languages, libraries, and environments that immediately start a connection attempt when they get an answer back, without waiting for the other protocol's query to finish too.

(There is a related algorithm called Happy Eyeballs which is about trying to make IPv6 and IPv4 connections in parallel and using whichever completes first. And there is a complicated RFC on how you should select a destination address out of the collection that you may get from your AAAA and A DNS queries.)

Sidebar: DNS's lack of an 'all types of IP address' query type

I don't know for sure why DNS doesn't have a standard query type for 'give me all IP addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6'. Per Wikipedia, DNS itself was created in the mid 1980s, well before IPv6 was designed. However, IPv6 itself is decades old at this point, which is lots of time to add such a query type to DNS and have people adopt it (although it might still not be universally supported, which would leave you falling back to explicit A queries at least). My best guess for why such a query type was never added is a combination of backwards compatibility worries (since initially not many DNS servers would support it, so clients would mostly be making an extra DNS query for nothing) and a general belief on the part of IPv6 people that IPv4 was going to just go away entirely any day soon, really.

(We know how that one turned out. It's 2017, and IPv4 only hosts and networks remain very significant.)

Written on 06 June 2017.
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Last modified: Tue Jun 6 00:27:36 2017
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