My (current) view on open source moral obligations and software popularity

August 23, 2024

A while back I said something pretty strong in a comment on my entry on the Linux kernel CVE story:

(I feel quite strongly that the importance of a project cannot create substantial extra obligations on the part of the people working on the project. We do not get to insist that other people take on more work just because their project got popular. In my view, this is a core fallacy at the heart of a lot of "software supply chain security" stuff, and I think things like the Linux kernel CVE handling are the tip of an iceberg of open source reactions to it.)

After writing that, I thought about it more and I think I have a somewhat more complicated view on moral obligations (theoretically) attached to open source software. To try to boil it down, I feel that other people's decisions should not create a moral obligation on your part.

If you write a project to scratch your itch and a bunch of other people decide to use it too, that is on them, not on you. You have no moral obligation to them that accrues because they started using your software, however convenient it might be for them if you did or however much time might be saved if you did something instead of many or all of them doing something. Of course you may be a nice person, and you may also be the kind of person who is extremely conscious of how many people are relying on your software and what might happen to them if you did or didn't do various things, but that is your decision. You don't have a positive moral obligation to them.

(It's my view that this lack of obligations is a core part of what makes free software and open source software work at all. If releasing open source software came with firm moral or legal obligations, we would see far less of it.)

However, in a bit of a difference from what I implied in my comment, I also feel that while other people's actions don't create a moral obligation on you, your own actions may. If you go out and actively promote your software, try to get it widely used, put forward that you're responsive and stand ready to fix problems, and so on, then the moral waters are at least muddy. If you explicitly acted to put yourself and your software forward, other people sort of do have the (moral) right to assume that you're going to live up to your promises (whether they're explicit or implicit). However, there has to be a line somewhere; you shouldn't acquire an unlimited, open-ended obligation to do work for other people using your software just because you promoted your software a bit.

(The issue of community norms is another thing entirely. I'm sure there are some software communities where merely releasing something into the community comes with the social expectation that you'll support it.)

Written on 23 August 2024.
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