Wandering Thoughts


How to accidentally get yourself with 'find ... -name something*'

Suppose that you're in some subdirectory /a/b/c, and you want to search all of /a for the presence of files for any version of some program:

u@h:/a/b/c$ find /a -name program* -print

This reports '/a/b/c/program-1.2.tar' and '/a/b/f/program-1.2.tar', but you happen to know that there are other versions of the program under /a. What happened to a command that normally works fine?

As you may have already spotted, what happened is the shell's wildcard expansion. Because you ran your find in a directory that contained exactly one match for 'program*', the shell expanded it before you ran find, and what you actually ran was:

find /a -name program-1.2.tar -print

This reported the two instances of program-1.2.tar in the /a tree, but not the program-1.4.1.tar that was also in the /a tree.

If you'd run your find command in a directory without a shell match for the -name wildcard, the shell would (normally) pass the unexpanded wildcard through to find, which would do what you want. And if there had been only one instance of 'program-1.2.tar' in the tree, in your current directory, it might have been more obvious what went wrong; instead, the find returning more than one result made it look like it was working normally apart from inexplicably not finding and reporting 'program-1.4.1.tar'.

(If there were multiple matches for the wildcard in the current directory, 'find' would probably have complained and you'd have realized what was going on.)

Some shells have options to cause failed wildcard expansions to be considered an error; Bash has the 'failglob' shopt, for example. People who turn these options on are probably not going to stumble into this because they've already been conditioned to quote wildcards for 'find -name' and other similar tools. Possibly this Bash option or its equivalent in other shells should be the default for new Unix accounts, just so everyone gets used to quoting wildcards that are supposed to be passed through to programs.

(Although I don't use a shell that makes failed wildcard expansions an error, I somehow long ago internalized the idea that I should quote all wildcards I want to pass to programs.)

FindNameWildcardGotcha written at 22:43:50;


The history and use of /etc/glob in early Unixes

One of the innovations that the V7 Bourne shell introduced was built in shell wildcard globbing, which is to say expanding things like *, ?, and so on. Of course Unix had shell wildcards well before V7, but in V6 and earlier, the shell didn't implement globbing itself; instead this was delegated to an external program, /etc/glob (this affects things like looking into the history of Unix shell wildcards, because you have to know to look at the glob source, not the shell).

As covered in places like the V6 glob(8) manual page, the glob program was passed a command and its arguments (already split up by the shell), and went through the arguments to expand any wildcards it found, then exec()'d the command with the now expanded arguments. The shell operated by scanning all of the arguments for (unescaped) wildcard characters. If any were found, the shell exec'd /etc/glob with the whole show; otherwise, it directly exec()'d the command with its arguments. Quoting wildcards used a hack that will be discussed later.

This basic /etc/glob behavior goes all the way back to Unix V1, where we have sh.s and in it we can see that invocation of /etc/glob. In V2, glob is one of the programs that have been rewritten in C (glob.c), and in V3 we have a sh.1 that mentions /etc/glob and has an interesting BUGS note about it:

If any argument contains a quoted "*", "?", or "[", then all instances of these characters must be quoted. This is because sh calls the glob routine whenever an unquoted "*", "?", or "[" is noticed; the fact that other instances of these characters occurred quoted is not noticed by glob.

This section has disappeared in the V4 sh.1 manual page, which suggests that the V4 shell and /etc/glob had acquired the hack they use in V5 and V6 to avoid this particular problem.

How escaping wildcards works in the V5 and V6 shell is that all characters in commands and arguments are restricted to being seven-bit ASCII. The shell and /etc/glob both use the 8th bit to mark quoted characters, which means that such quoted characters don't match their unquoted versions and won't be seen as wildcards by either the shell (when it's deciding whether or not it needs to run /etc/glob) or by /etc/glob itself (when it's deciding what to expand). However, obviously neither the shell nor /etc/glob can pass such 'marked as quoted' characters to actual commands, so each of them strips the high bit from all characters before exec()'ing actual commands.

(This is clearer in the V5 glob.c source; look for how cat() ands every character with octal 0177 (0x7f) to drop the high bit. You can also see it in the V5 sh.c source, where you want to look at trim(), and also the #define for 'quote' at the start of sh.c and how it's used later.)

PS: I don't know why expanding shell wildcards used a separate program in V6 and earlier, but part of it may have been to keep the shell smaller and more minimal so that it required less memory.

PPS: See also Stephen R. Bourne's 2015 presentation from BSDCan [PDF], which has a bunch of interesting things on the V7 shell and confirms that /etc/glob was there from V1.

EtcGlobHistory written at 23:41:38;


What a FreeBSD kernel message about your bridge means

Suppose, not hypothetically, that you're operating a FreeBSD based bridging firewall (or some other bridge situation) and you see something like the following kernel message:

kernel: bridge0: mac address 01:02:03:04:05:06 vlan 0 moved from ix0 to ix1
kernel: bridge0: mac address 01:02:03:04:05:06 vlan 0 moved from ix1 to ix0

The bad news is that this message means what you think it means. Your FreeBSD bridge between ix0 and ix1 first saw this MAC address as the source address on a packet it received on the ix0 interface of the bridge, and then it saw the same MAC address as the source address of a packet received on ix1, and then it received another packet on ix0 with that MAC address as the source address. Either you have something echoing those packets back on one side, or there is a network path between the two sides that bypasses your bridge.

(If you're lucky this happens regularly. If you're not lucky it happens only some of the time.)

This particular message comes from bridge_rtupdate() in sys/net/if_bridge.c, which is called to update the bridge's 'routing entries', which here means MAC addresses, not IP addresses. This function is called from bridge_forward(), which forwards packets, which is itself called from bridge_input(), which handles received packets. All of this only happens if the underlying interfaces are in 'learning' mode, but this is the default.

As covered in the ifconfig manual page, you can inspect what MAC addresses have been learned on which device with 'ifconfig bridge0 addr' (covered in the 'Bridge Interface Parameters' section of the manual page). This may be useful to see if your bridge normally has a certain MAC address (perhaps the one that's moving) on the interface it should be on. If you want to go further, it's possible to set a static mapping for some MAC addresses, which will make them stick to one interface even if seen on another one.

Logging this message is controlled by the net.link.bridge.log_mac_flap sysctl, and it's rate limited to only being reported five times a second in general (using ppsratecheck()). That's five times total, even if each time is a different MAC address or even a different bridge. This 'five times a second' log count isn't controllable through a sysctl.

(I'm writing all of this down because I looked much of it up today. Sometimes I'm a system programmer who goes digging in the (FreeBSD) kernel source just to be sure.)

FreeBSDBridgeMacMovedMessage written at 22:58:24;


My unusual X desktop wasn't made 'from scratch' in a conventional sense

There are people out there who set up unusual (Unix) environments for themselves from scratch; for example, Mike Hoye recently wrote Idiosyncra. While I have an unusual desktop, I haven't built it from scratch in quite the same way that Mike Hoye and other people have; instead I've wound up with my desktop through a rather easier process.

It would be technically accurate to say that my current desktop environment has been built up gradually over time (including over the time I've been writing Wandering Thoughts, such as my addition of dmenu). But this isn't really how it happened, in that I didn't start from a normal desktop and slowly change it into my current one. The real story is that the core of my desktop dates from the days when everyone's X desktops looked like mine does. Technically there were what we would call full desktops back in those days, if you had licensed the necessary software from your Unix vendor and chose to run it, but hardware was sufficiently slow back then that people at universities almost always chose to run more lightweight environments (especially since they were often already using the inexpensive and slow versions of workstations).

(Depending on how much work your local university system administrators had done, your new Unix account might start out with the Unix vendor's X setup, or it could start out with what X11R<whatever> defaulted to when built from source, or it might be some locally customized setup. In all cases you often were left to learn about the local tastes in X desktops and how to improve yours from people around you.)

To show how far back this goes (which is to say how little of it has been built 'from scratch' recently), my 1996 SGI Indy desktop has much of the look and the behavior of my current desktop, and its look and behavior wasn't new then; it was an evolution of my desktop from earlier Unix workstations. When I started using Linux, I migrated my Indy X environment to my new (and better) x86 hardware, and then as Linux has evolved and added more and more things you have to run to have a usable desktop with things like volume control, your SSH agent, and automatically mounted removable media, I've added them piece by piece (and sometimes updated them as how you do this keeps changing).

(At some point I moved from twm as my window manager to fvwm, but that was merely redoing my twm configuration in fvwm, not designing a new configuration from scratch.)

I wouldn't want to start from scratch today to create a new custom desktop environment; it would be a lot of work (and the one time I looked at it I wound up giving up). Someday I will have to move from X, fvwm, dmenu, and so on to some sort of Wayland based environment, but even when I do I expect to make the result as similar to my current X setup as I can, rather than starting from a clean sheet design. I know what I want because I'm very used to my current environment and I've been using variants of it for a very long time now.

(This entry was sparked by Ian Z aka nobrowser's comment on my entry from yesterday.)

PS: Part of the long lineage and longevity of my X desktop is that I've been lucky and determined enough to use Unix and X continuously at work, and for a long time at home as well. So I've never had a time when I moved away from X on my desktop(s) and then had to come back to reconstruct an environment and catch it up to date.

PPS: This is one of the roots of my xdm heresy, where my desktops boot into a text console and I log in there to manually start X with a personal script that's a derivative of the ancient startx command.

MyAncientXDesktop written at 23:10:04;


In an unconfigured Vim, I want to do ':set paste' right away

Recently I wound up using a FreeBSD machine, where I promptly installed vim for my traditional reason. When I started modifying some files, I had contents to paste in from another xterm window, so I tapped my middle mouse button while in insert mode (ie, I did the standard xterm 'paste text' thing). You may imagine the 'this is my face' meme when what vim inserted was the last thing I'd deleted in vim on that FreeBSD machine, instead of my X text selection.

For my future use, the cure for this is ':set paste', which turns off basically all of vim's special handling of pasted text. I've traditionally used this to override things like vim auto-indenting or auto-commenting the text I'm pasting in, but it also turns off vim's special mouse handling, which is generally active in terminal windows, including over SSH.

(The defaults for ':set mouse' seem to vary from system to system and probably vim build to vim build. For whatever reason, this FreeBSD system and its vim defaulted to 'mouse=a', ie special mouse handling was active all the time. I've run into mouse handling limits in vim before, although things may have changed since then.)

In theory, as covered in Vim's X11 selection mechanism, I might be able to paste from another xterm (or whatever) using "*p (to use the '"*' register, which is the primary selection or the cut buffer if there's no primary selection). In practice I think this only works under limited circumstances (although I'm not sure what they are) and the Vim manual itself tells you to get used to using Shift with your middle mouse button. I would rather set paste mode, because that gets everything; a vim that has the mouse active probably has other things I don't want turned on too.

(Some day I'll put together a complete but minimal collection of vim settings to disable everything I want disabled, but that day isn't today.)

PS: If I'm reading various things correctly, I think vim has to be built with the 'xterm_clipboard' option in order to pull out selection information from xterm. Xterm itself must have 'Window Ops' allowed, which is not a normal setting; with this turned on, vim (or any other program) can use the selection manipulation escape sequences that xterm documents in "Operating System Commands". These escape sequences don't require that vim have direct access to your X display, so they can be used over plain SSH connections. Support for these escape sequences is probably available in other terminal emulators too, and these terminal emulators may have them always enabled.

(Note that access to your selection is a potential security risk, which is probably part of why xterm doesn't allow it by default.)

VimSetPaste written at 22:53:10;


WireGuard on OpenBSD just works (at least as a VPN server)

A year or so ago I mentioned that I'd set up WireGuard on an Android and an iOS device in a straightforward VPN configuration. What I didn't mention in that entry is that the other end of the VPN was not on a Linux machine, but on one of our OpenBSD VPN servers. At the time it was running whatever was the then-current OpenBSD version, and today it's running OpenBSD 7.6, which is the current version at the moment. Over that time (and before it, since the smartphones weren't its first WireGuard clients), WireGuard on OpenBSD has been trouble free and has just worked.

In our configuration, OpenBSD WireGuard requires installing the 'wireguard-tools' package, setting up an /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf (perhaps plus additional files for generated keys), and creating an appropriate /etc/hostname.wg0. I believe that all of these are covered as part of the standard OpenBSD documentation for setting up WireGuard. For this VPN server I allocated a /24 inside the RFC 1918 range we use for VPN service to be used for WireGuard, since I don't expect too many clients on this server. The server NATs WireGuard connections just as it NATs connections from the other VPNs it supports, which requires nothing special for WireGuard in its /etc/pf.conf.

(I did have to remember to allow incoming traffic to the WireGuard UDP port. For this server, we allow WireGuard clients to send traffic to each other through the VPN server if they really want to, but in another one we might want to restrict that with additional pf rules.)

Everything I'd expect to work does work, both in terms of the WireGuard tools (I believe the information 'wg' prints is identical between Linux and OpenBSD, for example) and for basic system metrics (as read out by, for example, the OpenBSD version of the Prometheus host agent, which has overall metrics for the 'wg0' interface). If we wanted per-client statistics, I believe we could probably get them through this third party WireGuard Prometheus exporter, which uses an underlying package to talk to WireGuard that does apparently work on OpenBSD (although this particular exporter can potentially have label cardinality issues), or generate them ourselves by parsing 'wg' output (likely from 'wg show all dump').

This particular OpenBSD VPN server is sufficiently low usage that I haven't tried to measure either the possible bandwidth we can achieve with WireGuard or the CPU usage of WireGuard. Historically, neither are particularly critical for our VPNs in general, which have generally not been capable of particularly high bandwidth (with either OpenVPN or L2TP, our two general usage VPN types so far; our WireGuard VPN is for system staff only).

(In an ideal world, none of this should count as surprising. In this world, I like to note when things that are a bit out of the mainstream just work for me, with a straightforward setup process and trouble free operation.)

OpenBSDWireGuardJustWorks written at 23:12:32;


Unix's buffered IO in assembly and in C

Recently on the Fediverse, I said something related to Unix's pre-V7 situation with buffered IO:


(I think the V1 approach is right for an assembly based minimal OS, while the stdio approach kind of wants malloc() and friends.)

The V1 approach, as documented in its putc.3 and getw.3 manual pages, is that the caller to the buffered IO routines supplies the data area used for buffering, and the library functions merely initialize it and later use it. How you get the data area is up to you and your program; you might, for example, simply have a static block of memory in your BSS segment. You can dynamically allocate this area if you want to, but you don't have to. The V2 and later putchar have a similar approach but this time they contain a static buffer area and you just have to do a bit of initialization (possibly putchar was in V1 too, I don't know for sure).

Stdio of course has a completely different API. In stdio, you don't provide the data area; instead, stdio provides you an opaque reference (a 'FILE *') to the information and buffers it maintains internally. This is an interface that definitely wants some degree of dynamic memory allocation, for example for the actual buffers themselves, and in modern usage most of the FILE objects will be dynamically allocated too.

(The V7 stdio implementation had a fixed set of FILE structs and so would error out if you used too many of them. However, it did use malloc() for the buffer associated with them, in filbuf.c and flsbuf.c.)

You can certainly do dynamic memory allocation in assembly, but I think it's much more natural in C, and certainly the C standard library is more heavyweight than the relatively small and minimal assembly language stuff early Unix programs (written in assembly) seem to have required. So I think it makes a lot of sense that Unix started with a buffering approach where the caller supplies the buffer (and probably doesn't dynamically allocate it), then moved to one where the library does at least some allocation and supplies the buffer (and other data) itself.

BufferedIOBeforeMalloc written at 21:44:13;


Buffered IO in Unix before V7 introduced stdio

I recently read Julia Evans' Why pipes sometimes get "stuck": buffering. Part of the reason is that almost every Unix program does some amount of buffering for what it prints (or writes) to standard output and standard error. For C programs, this buffering is built into the standard library, specifically into stdio, which includes familiar functions like printf(). Stdio is one of the many things that appeared first in Research Unix V7. This might leave you wondering if this sort of IO was buffered in earlier versions of Research Unix and if it was, how it was done.

The very earliest version of Research Unix is V1, and in V1 there is putc.3 (at that point entirely about assembly, since C was yet to come). This set of routines allows you to set up and then use a 'struct' to implement IO buffering for output. There is a similar set of buffered functions for input, in getw.3, and I believe the memory blocks the two sets of functions use are compatible with each other. The V1 manual pages note it as a bug that the buffer wasn't 512 bytes, but also notes that several programs would break if the size was changed; the buffer size will be increased to 512 bytes by V3.

In V2, I believe we still have putc and getw, but we see the first appearance of another approach, in putchr.s. This implements putchar(), which is used by printf() and which (from later evidence) uses an internal buffer (under some circumstances) that has to be explicitly flush()'d by programs. In V3, there's manual pages for putc.3 and getc.3 that are very similar to the V1 versions, which is why I expect these were there in V2 as well. In V4, we have manual pages for both putc.3 (plus getc.3) and putch[a]r.3, and there is also a getch[a]r.3 that's the input version of putchar(). Since we have a V4 manual page for putchar(), we can finally see the somewhat tangled way it works, rather than having to read the PDP-11 assembly. I don't have links to V5 manuals, but the V5 library source says that we still have both approaches to buffered IO.

(If you want to see how the putchar() approach was used, you can look at, for example, the V6 grep.c, which starts out with the 'fout = dup(1);' that the manual page suggests for buffered putchar() usage, and then periodically calls flush().)

In V6, there is a third approach that was added, in /usr/source/iolib, although I don't know if any programs used it. Iolib has a global array of structs, that were statically associated with a limited number of low-numbered file descriptors; an iolib function such as cflush() would be passed a file descriptor and use that to look up the corresponding struct. One innovation iolib implicitly adds is that its copen() effectively 'allocates' the struct for you, in contrast to putc() and getc(), where you supply the memory area and fopen()/fcreate() merely initialize it with the correct information.

Finally V7 introduces stdio and sorts all of this out, at the cost of some code changes. There's still getc() and putc(), but now they take a FILE *, instead of their own structure, and you get the FILE * from things like fopen() instead of supplying it yourself and having a stdio function initialize it. Putchar() (and getchar()) still exist but are now redone to work with stdio buffering instead of their own buffering, and 'flush()' has become fflush() and takes an explicit FILE * argument instead of implicitly flushing putchar()'s buffer, and generally it's not necessary any more. The V7 grep.c still uses printf(), but now it doesn't explicitly flush anything by calling fflush(); it just trusts in stdio.

BufferedIOBeforeStdio written at 23:16:54;


Complications in supporting 'append to a file' in a NFS server

In the comments of my entry on the general problem of losing network based locks, an interesting side discussion has happened between commentator abel and me over NFS servers (not) supporting the Unix O_APPEND feature. The more I think about it, the more I think it's non-trivial to support well in an NFS server and that there are some subtle complications (and probably more than I haven't realized). I'm mostly going to restrict this to something like NFS v3, which is what I'm familiar with.

The basic Unix semantics of O_APPEND are that when you perform a write(), all of your data is immediately and atomically put at the current end of the file, and the file's size and maximum offset are immediately extended to the end of your data. If you and I do a single append write() of 128 Mbytes to the same file at the same time, either all of my 128 Mbytes winds up before yours or vice versa; your and my data will never wind up intermingled.

This basic semantics is already a problem for NFS because NFS (v3) connections have a maximum size for single NFS 'write' operations and that size may be (much) smaller than the user level write(). Without a multi-operation transaction of some sort, we can't reliably perform append write()s of more data than will fit in a NFS write operation; either we fail those 128 Mbyte writes, or we have the possibility that data from you and I will be intermingled in the file.

In NFS v2, all writes were synchronous (or were supposed to be, servers sometimes lied about this). NFS v3 introduced the idea of asynchronous, buffered writes that were later committed by clients. NFS servers are normally permitted to discard asynchronous writes that haven't yet been committed by the client; when the client tries to commit them later, the NFS server rejects the commit and the client resends the data. This works fine when the client's request has a definite position in the file, but it has issues if the client's request is a position-less append write. If two clients do append writes to the same file, first A and then B after it, the server discards both, and then client B is the first one to go through the 'COMMIT, fail, resend' process, where does its data wind up? It's not hard to wind up with situations where a third client that's repeatedly reading the file will see inconsistent results, where first it sees A's data then B's and then later either it sees B's data before A's or B's data without anything from A (not even a zero-filled gap in the file, the way you'd get with ordinary writes).

(While we can say that NFS servers shouldn't ever deliberately discard append writes, one of the ways that this happens is that the server crashes and reboots.)

You can get even more fun ordering issues created by retrying lost writes if there is another NFS client involved that is doing manual append writes by finding out the current end of file and writing at it. If A and B do append writes, C does a manual append write, all writes are lost before they're committed, B redoes, C redoes, and then A redoes, a natural implementation could easily wind up with B's data, an A data sized hole, C's data, and then A's data appended after C's.

This also creates server side ordering dependencies for potentially discarding uncommitted asynchronous write data, ones that a NFS server can normally make independently. If A appended a lot of data and then B appended a little bit, you probably don't want to discard A's data but not B's, because there's no guarantee that A will later show up to fail a COMMIT and resend it (A could have crashed, for example). And if B requests a COMMIT, you probably want to commit A's data as well, even if there's much more of it.

One way around this would be to adopt a more complex model of append writes over NFS, where instead of the client requesting an append write, it requests 'write this here but fail if this is not the current end of file'. This would give all NFS writes a definite position in the file at the cost of forcing client retries on the initial request (if the client later has to repeat the write because of a failed commit, it must carefully strip this flag off). Unfortunately a file being appended to from multiple clients at a high rate would probably result in a lot of client retries, with no guarantee that a given client would ever actually succeed.

(You could require all append writes to be synchronous, but then this would do terrible things to NFS server performance for potentially common use of append writes, like appending log lines to a shared log file from multiple machines. And people absolutely would write and operate programs like that if append writes over NFS were theoretically reliable.)

NFSServerAppendComplications written at 23:14:19;


Losing NFS locks and the SunOS SIGLOST signal

NFS is a network filesystem that famously also has a network locking protocol associated with it (or part of it, for NFSv4). This means that NFS has to consider the issue of the NFS client losing a lock that it thinks it holds. In NFS, clients losing locks normally happens as part of NFS(v3) lock recovery, triggered when a NFS server reboots. On server reboot, clients are told to re-acquire all of their locks, and this re-acquisition can explicitly fail (as well as going wrong in various ways that are one way to get stuck NFS locks). When a NFS client's kernel attempts to reclaim a lock and this attempt fails, it has a problem. Some process on the local machine thinks that it holds a (NFS) lock, but as far as the NFS server and other NFS clients are concerned, it doesn't.

Sun's original version of NFS dealt with this problem with a special signal, SIGLOST. When the NFS client's kernel detected that a NFS lock had been lost, it sent SIGLOST to whatever process held the lock. SIGLOST was a regular signal, so by default the process would exit abruptly; a process that wanted to do something special could register a signal handler for SIGLOST and then do whatever it could. SIGLOST appeared no later than SunOS 3.4 (cf) and still lives on today in Illumos, where you can find this discussed in uts/common/klm/nlm_client.c and uts/common/fs/nfs/nfs4_recovery.c (and it's also mentioned in fcntl(2)). The popularity of actually handling SIGLOST may be indicated by the fact that no program in the Illumos source tree seems to set a signal handler for it.

Other versions of Unix mainly ignore the situation. The Linux kernel has a specific comment about this in fs/lockd/clntproc.c, which very briefly talks about the issue and picks ignoring it (apart from logging the kernel message "lockd: failed to reclaim lock for ..."). As far as I can tell from reading FreeBSD's sys/nlm/nlm_advlock.c, FreeBSD silently ignores any problems when it goes through the NFS client process of reclaiming locks.

(As far as I can see, NetBSD and OpenBSD don't support NFS locks on clients at all, rendering the issue moot. I don't know if POSIX locks fail on NFS mounted filesystems or if they work but create purely local locks on that particular NFS client, although I think it's the latter.)

On the surface this seems rather bad, and certainly worse than the Sun approach of SIGLOST. However, I'm not sure that SIGLOST is all that great either, because it has some problems. First, what you can do in a signal handler is very constrained; basically all that a SIGLOST handler can do is set a variable and hope that the rest of the code will check it before it does anything dangerous. Second, programs may hold multiple (NFS) locks and SIGLOST doesn't tell you which lock you lost; as far as I know, there's no way of telling. If your program gets a SIGLOST, all you can do is assume that you lost all of your locks. Third, file locking may quite reasonably be used inside libraries in a way that is hidden from callers by the library's API, but signals and handling signals is global to the entire program. If taking a file lock inside a library exposes the entire program to SIGLOST, you have a collection of problems (which ones depend on whether the program has its own file locks and whether or not it has installed a SIGLOST handler).

This collection of problems may go part of the way to explain why no Illumos programs actually set a SIGLOST handler and why other Unixes simply ignore the issue. A kernel that uses SIGLOST essentially means 'your program dies if it loses a lock', and it's not clear that this is better than 'your program optimistically continues', especially in an environment where a NFS client losing a NFS lock is rare (and letting the program continue is certainly simpler for the kernel).

NFSLosingLocksAndSIGLOST written at 21:48:59;

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