Wandering Thoughts archives

2024-11-07: Complications in supporting 'append to a file' in a NFS server
2024-11-06: Losing NFS locks and the SunOS SIGLOST signal
2024-11-03: The history of Unix's ioctl and signal about window sizes
2024-11-01: Notes on the compatibility of crypted passwords across Unixes in late 2024
2024-10-23: Doing basic policy based routing on FreeBSD with PF rules
2024-10-09: The history of inetd is more interesting than I expected
2024-10-08: OpenBSD kernel messages about memory conflicts on x86 machines
2024-10-05: Daemonization in Unix programs is probably about restarting programs
2024-10-04: Traditionally, init on Unix was not a service manager as such
2024-10-03: (Unix) daemonization turns out to be quite old
2024-09-22: Old (Unix) workstations and servers tended to boot in the same ways
2024-09-19: OpenBSD versus FreeBSD pf.conf syntax for address translation rules
2024-08-25: How to talk to a local IPMI under FreeBSD 14
2024-08-21: What a POSIX shell has to do with $PWD
2024-08-16: FreeBSD's 'root on ZFS' default appeals to me for an odd reason
2024-08-06: Host names in syslog messages may not be quite what you expect
2024-07-26: The uncertain possible futures of Unix graphical desktops
2024-07-23: Seeing and matching pf rules when using tcpdump on OpenBSD's pflog interface
2024-06-10: The NFS server 'subtree' export problem
2024-06-05: Maybe understanding uname(1)'s platform and machine fields
2024-06-04: Some history and limitations of uname(1) fields
2024-05-15: Turning off the X server's CapsLock modifier
2024-05-14: The X Window System and the curse of NumLock
2024-04-25: The importance of an ordinary space in a Unix shell command line
2024-04-20: What the original 4.2 BSD csh hashed (which is not what I thought)
2024-04-09: Bash's sadly flawed smart (programmable) completion
2024-03-05: A peculiarity of the X Window System: Windows all the way down
2024-03-04: An illustration of how much X cares about memory usage
2024-03-03: X graphics rendering as contrasted to Wayland rendering
2024-02-15: (Some) X window managers deliberately use off-screen windows
2024-02-08: Accidentally making windows vanish in my old-fashioned Unix X environment
2024-01-11: An old Unix mistake you could make when signaling init (PID 1)
2024-01-02: Why Unix's lseek() has that name instead of 'seek()'

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