One thing that makes the Bourne shell an odd language
In many ways, the Bourne shell is a relatively conventional programming
language. It has a few syntactic abnormalities, a few flourishes
created by the fact that it is an engine for running programs
(although other languages have featured equivalents of $(...)
the form of various levels of 'eval' functionality), and a different
treatment of unquoted words, but the
overall control structure is an extremely familiar Algol-style one
(which is not surprising, since Steve Bourne really liked Algol).
But the Bourne shell does have one thing that clearly makes it an
odd language, namely that it has outsourced what are normally core
language functions to external programs. Or rather it started out
in its original version by outsourcing those functions; versions
of the Bourne shell since then have pulled them back in in various
ways. Here I am thinking of both evaluating conditionals via test
aka [
and arithmetic via expr
(which also does some other things
(Bourne shells have had test
as a builtin for some time (sometimes
with some annoyances) and built in arithmetic is
often present these days as $((..))
There's no reason why test
has to be a separate program and neither
nor expr
seems to have existed in Research Unix V6, so
they both appeared in V7 along with the Bourne shell itself. They
aren't written in BourneGol, so they
may not have been written by Steve Bourne himself, but at least
was clearly written as a companion program (the V7 Bourne
shell manpage
explicitly mentions it, among other things).
I don't know why the original Bourne shell made this decision. It's
possible that it was simply forced by the limitations of the PDP-11
environment of V7. Maybe a version of the Bourne shell with test
and/or expr
built into the main shell code would have either been
too big or just considered over-bloated for something that would
mostly be used interactively (and thus not be using test
et al
very often). Or possibly they were just easier to write as separate
programs (the V7 expr
is just a single yacc file).
Note that there are structural reasons in the Bourne shell to make
et al conditions be the result of commands, instead of restricting
them to (only) be actual conditions. But the original Bourne shell
could have done this with test
or the equivalent as a built-in
command, and it certainly has other built in commands. Perhaps
needing to be an actual command was one of the things that
pushed it towards not being built in. You can certainly see a spirit
of minimalism at work here if you want to (although I have no idea
if that's the reason).
(This expands on a tweet of mine.)
Sidebar: It's not clear when test
picked up its [
Before I started writing this entry, I expected that test
also known as [
right from the beginning in V7. Now I'm not
so sure. On the one hand, the actual V7 shell scripts I can find
eg here
consistently use test
instead of [
and the V7 compile scripts
don't seem to create a [
hardlink. On the other hand, the V7
already has special magic handling if it's invoked as [
(There are V7 disk images out there that you can boot up on a PDP-11
emulator, so in theory I could fire one up and see if it has a
. In practice I'm not that energetic.)