OpenBSD kernel messages about memory conflicts on x86 machines

October 8, 2024

Suppose you boot up an OpenBSD machine that you think may be having problems, and as part of this boot you look at the kernel messages for the first time in a while (or perhaps ever), and when doing so you see messages that look like this:

3:0:0: rom address conflict 0xfffc0000/0x40000
3:0:1: rom address conflict 0xfffc0000/0x40000

Or maybe the messages are like this:

memory map conflict 0xe00fd000/0x1000
memory map conflict 0xfe000000/0x11000
3:0:0: mem address conflict 0xfffc0000/0x40000
3:0:1: mem address conflict 0xfffc0000/0x40000

This sounds alarming, but there's almost certainly no actual problem, and if you check logs you'll likely find that you've been getting messages like this for as long as you've had OpenBSD on the machine.

The short version is that both of these are reports from OpenBSD that it's finding conflicts in the memory map information it is getting from your BIOS. The messages that start with 'X:Y:Z' are about PCI(e) device memory specifically, while the 'memory map conflict' errors are about the general memory map the BIOS hands the system.

Generally, OpenBSD will report additional information immediately after about what the PCI(e) devices in question are. Here are the full kernel messages around the 'rom address conflict':

pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
3:0:0: rom address conflict 0xfffc0000/0x40000
3:0:1: rom address conflict 0xfffc0000/0x40000
bge0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "Broadcom BCM5720" rev 0x00, BCM5720 A0 (0x5720000), APE firmware NCSI msi, address 50:9a:4c:xx:xx:xx
brgphy0 at bge0 phy 1: BCM5720C 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0
bge1 at pci3 dev 0 function 1 "Broadcom BCM5720" rev 0x00, BCM5720 A0 (0x5720000), APE firmware NCSI msi, address 50:9a:4c:xx:xx:xx
brgphy1 at bge1 phy 2: BCM5720C 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0

Here these are two network ports on the same PCIe device (more or less), so it's not terribly surprising that the same ROM is maybe being reused for both. I believe the two messages mean that both ROMs (at the same address) are conflicting with another unmentioned allocation. I'm not sure how you find out what the original allocation and device is that they're both conflicting with.

The PCI related messages come from sys/dev/pci/pci.c and in current OpenBSD come in a number of variations, depending on what sort of PCI address space is detected as in conflict in pci_reserve_resources(). Right now, I see 'mem address conflict', 'io address conflict', the already mentioned 'rom address conflict', 'bridge io address conflict', 'bridge mem address conflict' (in several spots in the code), and 'bridge bus conflict'. Interested parties can read the source for more because this exhausts my knowledge on the subject.

The 'memory map conflict' message comes from a different place; for most people it will come from sys/arch/amd64/pci/pci_machdep.c, in pci_init_extents(). If I'm understanding the code correctly, this is creating an initial set of reserved physical address space that PCI devices should not be using. It registers each piece of bios_memmap, which according to comments in sys/arch/amd64/amd64/machdep.c is "the memory map as the bios has returned it to us". I believe that a memory map conflict at this point says that two pieces of the BIOS memory map overlap each other (or one is entirely contained in the other).

I'm not sure it's correct to describe these messages as harmless. However, it's likely that they've been there for as long as your system's BIOS has been setting up its general memory map and the PCI devices as it has been, and you'd likely see the same address conflicts with another system (although Linux doesn't seem to complain about it; I don't know about FreeBSD).

Comments on this page:

By Anonymous at 2024-10-09 14:21:35:

So, does this just seem to imply that current 'bios/uefi/firmware/microcode' vendors - even in 2024 - (spoiler alert) are still rubbish at the things they produce ?

Written on 08 October 2024.
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