Host names in syslog messages may not be quite what you expect

August 6, 2024

Over on the Fediverse, I said something:

It has been '0' days since I (re)discovered that the claimed hostname in syslog messages can be utter junk, and you may be going to live a fun life if you use it for anything much.

Suppose that on your central syslog server you see a syslog line of the form:

[...] alkyone exim[864974]: no host name found for IP address

You might reasonably assume that the host name 'alkyone' comes from the central syslog daemon knowing the host name of the host that sent the syslog message to it. Unfortunately, this is not what actually happens. As covered in places like RFC 5424 section 6.2.4 (or RFC 3164 section 4.1.2 for the nominal 'BSD' syslog format, which seem to not actually be what BSD used), syslog messages carry an embedded hostname in them. This hostname is generated by the machine that originated the message, and the machine can put anything it wants to in there. And generally, your syslog daemon (and the log format it's using) will write this hostname into the logs and otherwise use it if you ask for the message's 'hostname'.

(Rsyslog and probably other syslog daemons can create per-host message files on your central syslog server, which can cause you to want a hostname for each message.)

The intent of this embedded hostname is noble; it's there so you can have syslog relays (which may happen accidentally), where the originating system sends its messages to host A and host A relays them to host B, and B records the hostname as the originating system, not host A. Unfortunately, in practice all sorts of things can go wrong, including a quite fun one.

The first thing that can go wrong is systems that have a different view of their hostname than you do. On Unix systems, the normal syslog hostname traditionally comes from whatever the general host name is set to, which isn't necessarily a fully qualified domain name and doesn't necessarily match what its IP address is (you can change the IP address of a system but forget to update its hostname). Some embedded systems will have an internally set host name instead of trying to deduce it from DNS lookups of whatever IP they have, which can cause them to use syslog hostnames like 'idrac-<asset-tag>' (for the BMC of a Dell server with that particular asset tag).

The most fun case is an interaction with a long-standing syslog feature (that I think is often disabled today):

<host> /bsd: arp: attempt to overwrite entry for [...]
last message repeated 2 times

You'll notice that the second message doesn't say '<host> last message repeated ...'. This is achieved with the extremely brute force method of setting the hostname in the message to 'last'. If your central syslog server then attempts to set up per-host syslog logs, you will wind up with a 'last' host (with extremely uninteresting logs).

Also, if people send not quite random garbage to your syslog server's listening network ports (perhaps because they are a vulnerability scanner or nmap or the like), your syslog daemon and your logs can wind up seeing all sorts of weird junk as the nominal hostname. The syslog message format is deliberately relatively liberal and syslog servers have traditionally been even more liberal about interpreting things that arrived on it, on the sensible grounds that it's usually better to record everything you get just in case.

Sidebar: Hostnames in syslog messages appear to be new-ish

In 4.2 BSD, the syslog daemon was part of the sendmail source code, and sendmail/aux/syslog.c doesn't get the hostname from the message but instead from the IP address it came from. I think this continues right through 4.4 BSD if I'm reading the code right. RFC 3164 dates from 2001, so presumably people augmented the syslog format some time before then.

Interestingly, RFC 3164 specifically says that the host name in the message must not include the domain name. I suspect that even at the time this was widely ignored in practice for good operational reasons.

Written on 06 August 2024.
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