The fun of X11 PseudoColor displays and window managers

November 12, 2017

Yesterday, I described how X11's PseudoColor is an indirect colormap, where the 'colors' you assigned to pixels were actually indexes into a colormap that gave the real RGB colour values. In the common implementation (an 8-bit 'colour' index into a 24-bit colormap), you could choose colours out of 16 million of them, but you could only have 256 different ones in a colormap. This limitation creates an obvious question: on a Unix system with a bunch of different programs running, how do you decide on which 256 different colours you get? What happens when two programs want different sets of them (perhaps you have two different image display programs trying to display two different images at the same time)?

Since X's nominal motto is 'mechanism, not policy', the X server and protocol do not have an answer for you. In fact they aggressively provide a non-answer, because the X protocol allows for every PseudoColor window to have its own colormap that the program behind the window populates with whatever colours it wants. Programs can inherit colormaps, including from the display (technically the root window, but that's close enough because the root window is centrally managed), so you can build some sort of outside mechanism so everyone uses the same colormap and coordinates it, but programs are also free to go their own way.

(For example, I believe that X desktops like Motif/CDE had standard colormaps that all of their normal applications were expected to share.)

Whenever you have a distributed problem in X that needs some sort of central coordination, the normal answer is 'the window manager handles it'. PseudoColor colormaps are no exception, and so there is an entire X program to window manager communication protocol about colormap handling, as part of the ICCCM; the basic idea is that programs tell the window manager 'this window needs this colormap', and then the window manager switches the X server to the particular colormap whenever it feels like it. Usually this is whenever the window is the active window, because normally the user wants the active window to be the one that has correct colors.

(In X terminology, this is called 'installing' the colormap.)

The visual result of the window manager switching the colormap to one with completely different colors is that other windows go technicolour and get displayed with false and bizarre colors. The resulting flashing as you moved back and forth between programs, changed images in an image display program, or started and then quit colour-intensive programs was quite distinctive and memorable. There's nothing like it in a modern X environment, where things are far more visually stable.

The window manager generally had its own colormap (usually associated with the root window) because the window manager generally needed some colours for window borders and decorations, its menus, and so on. This colormap was basically guaranteed to always have black and white color values, so programs that only needed them could just inherit this colormap. In fact there was also a whole protocol for creating and managing standard (shared) colormaps, with a number of standard colormaps defined; you could use one of these standard colormaps if your program just needed some colors and wasn't picky about the exact shades. A minimal case of this was if your program only used black and white; as it happens, this describes many programs in a normal X system (especially in the days of PseudoColor displays), such as xterm, xclock, Emacs and other GUI text editors, and so on. All of these programs could use the normal default colormap, which was important to avoid colours changing all of the time as you switched windows.

(For much of X's life, monochrome X displays were still very much a thing, so programs tended to only use colour if they really needed to. Today color displays are pervasive so even programs that only really have a foreground and a background colour will let you set those to any colour you want, instead of locking you to black and white.)

One of the consequences of PseudoColor displays for window managers was that (colour) gradients were generally considered a bad idea, because they could easily eat up a lot of colormap entries. Window managers in the PseudoColor era were biased towards simple and minimal colour schemes, ideally using and reusing only a handful of colours. When TrueColor displays became the dominant thing in X, there was an explosion of window managers using and switching over to colour gradients in things like window title bars and decorations; not necessarily because it made sense, but because they now could. I think that has fortunately now died down and people are back to simpler colour schemes.

Comments on this page:

From at 2017-11-12 08:30:47:

When TrueColor displays became the dominant thing in X, there was an explosion of window managers using and switching over to colour gradients in things like window title bars and decorations; not necessarily because it made sense, but because they now could.

And so came the Age of Enlightenment WM.

When I was using a PseudoColor display, I used to set my background image to a red-to-blue color gradient, generated by the bggen program that was distributed with xv. (Remember xv?). Because it couldn't actually display a gradient, the window manager did its best and ended up displaying a beautiful horizontally-dithered approximation of a gradient. I've never seen anything else like it. I was disappointed when I changed to a 24-bit display and discovered that my background had turned into a boring smooth gradient.

But after that I found the ppmforge utility and my background image was a random-generated fractal planet that changed every day, so it was okay.

Written on 12 November 2017.
« What X11's TrueColor means (with some history)
X11 PseudoColor displays could have multiple hardware colormaps »

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