Syndication feed fetchers and their behavior on HTTP 429 status responses

November 10, 2024

For reasons outside of the scope of this entry, recently I've been looking at the behavior of syndication feed fetchers here on Wandering Thoughts (which are generally from syndication feed readers), and in the process I discovered some that were making repeated requests at a quite aggressive rate, such as every five minutes. Until recently there was some excuse for this, because I wasn't setting a 'Cache-Control: max-age=...' header (also), which is (theoretically) used to tell Atom feed fetchers how soon they should re-fetch. I feel there was not much of an excuse because no feed reader should default to fetching every five minutes, or even every fifteen, but after I set my max-age to an hour there definitely should be no excuse.

Since sometimes I get irritated with people like this, I arranged to start replying to such aggressive feed featchers with a HTTP 429 "Too Many Requests" status response (the actual implementation is a hack because my entire software is more or less stateless, which makes true rate limiting hard). What I was hoping for is that most syndication feed fetching software would take this as a signal to slow down how often it tried to fetch the feed, and I'd see excessive sources move from one attempt every five minutes to (much) slower rates.

That basically didn't happen (perhaps this is no surprise). I'm sure there's good syndication feed fetching software that probably would behave that way on HTTP 429 responses, but whatever syndication feed software was poking me did not react that way. As far as I can tell from casually monitoring web access logs, almost no mis-behaving feed software paid any attention to the fact that it was specifically getting a response that normally means "you're doing this too fast". In some cases, it seems to have caused programs to try to fetch even more than before.

(Perhaps some of this is because I didn't add a 'Retry-After' header to my HTTP 429 responses until just now, but even without that, I'd expect clients to back off on their own, especially after they keep getting 429s when they retry.)

Given the HTTP User-Agents presented by feed fetchers, some of this is more or less expected, for two reasons. First, some of the User-Agents are almost certainly deliberate lies, and if a feed crawler is going to actively lie about what it is there's no reason for it to respect HTTP 429s either. Second, some of the feed fetching is being done by stateless programs like curl, where the people building ad-hoc feed fetching systems around them would have to go (well) out of their way to do the right thing. However, a bunch of the aggressive feed fetching is being done by either real feed fetching software with a real user-agent (such as "RSS Bot" or the Universal Feed Parser) or by what look like browser addons running in basically current versions of Firefox. I'd expect both of these to respect HTTP 429s if they're programmed decently. But then, if they were programmed decently they probably wouldn't be trying every five minutes in the first place.

(Hopefully the ongoing feed reader behavior project by rachelbythebay will fix some of this in the long run; there are encouraging signs, as covered in eg the October 25th score report.)

Written on 10 November 2024.
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