Improve your web experience by turning Javascript off

October 11, 2005

One of the best things I've ever done to improve my web browsing experience is very simple: I turned Javascript off almost from its introduction.

Turning Javascript off has a host of benefits, because Javascript on web pages has always been primarily used either for evil or for flashy, distracting user interface elements. With it off I avoid all of that, including popups and links that hide where they're actually going to. Among other advantages, this makes it much less nerve-wracking to go to strange new websites.

I'm not a purist about this; if a website has content I want to see that needs Javascript, I'll turn it back on. This happens much less than you might think; most websites are not all that dependent on whatever Javascript they may have running around. With the PrefBar extension, enabling and disabling Javascript is a snap for Mozilla and Firefox users; a keystroke to bring the PrefBar toolbar up, a click of a tickbox, and a page refresh and you're done.

(People less obsessed then me with leaving as much space as possible for the web page text can leave the PrefBar toolbar up all the time.)

Even if you think you use lots of websites that require Javascript, install PrefBar and give it a try; you may be pleasantly surprised how little you really need Javascript after all. And even if it doesn't work out, you'll have a quick way to disable Javascript before you visit a website that you don't trust.

Comments on this page:

From at 2005-10-11 03:39:20:

Doing so has certainly improved my browsing experience, also. While I can't say that I've turned it off since it's introduction, I can say that I started turning it off as soon as I started using an old machine with limited memory. With Javascript on, the browser would hang or crash in fairly short order. With it off, I could actually use the web browser for an extended period of time without serious problems.

Then I discovered how many irritating elements I was avoiding. Now my default Javascript setting is "off".

There are some sites, mostly financial sites, which really require Javascript--although my bank isn't one of them--but as suggested I can simply turn it back on for those sites, and there really aren't that many of them.

This is an excellent idea.

Written on 11 October 2005.
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