Chris Siebenmann is a Unix herder in the Unix systems group here at the University of Toronto along with people such as Paul Kern. Perhaps you can catch a glimpse of him in his native habitat. Alternately you may be looking for his Linux geegaws, including rpmtools, or for his general program bits.
Chris is keeping a techblog called Wandering Thoughts inside his wiki-thing. Most of his recent writing is found there or in CSpace in general.
In the past, Chris did various things and looked after various systems. Nowadays, he often feels that he is being nibbled to death by moths. (If you really want to see his old list of things, see the historical index page.)
His interests include software that makes graphical workstations more than a collection of VT100 windows, automating system administration tasks, worrying about computer security, Plan 9 from Bell Labs, and keeping track of Usenet and electronic mail spam (please do not send him unsolicited mail touting your good deals or your good cause; he will just become irate). This is by no means a complete list, but time and space do not permit further enumeration; let him just say that he is interested in many aspects of computers and life.
In his spare time, he reads (including Usenet), fools around on the Internet, recieves a lot of electronic mail, and listens to a wide assortment of music; out of respect for people in nearby cubicles he uses headphones. His current amusement is to have as many home pages around the University of Toronto as possible; he will let finding them be your amusement.
Chris does not always write about himself in the third person. He thought it would be an interesting change for this home page.
Telephone 416/ 978 4942
EMAIL cks at this machine